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2021.10.1 Copper slag is a waste produced during pyrometallurgical processing of metals from copper concentrates. The decomposition and oxidation reactions of the sulphide minerals
Read More2021.5.1 Copper slag, generated mainly during copper smelting, and classified as a potentially harmful waste, is an important secondary resource containing not only valuable
Read More2023.3.3 Copper slag, a waste solid produced in the copper smelting process, is a high-quality secondary resource with huge output. The recycling and utilization of copper slag is of
Read More2023.4.21 Large amounts of copper slag are produced every year and major fractions of it are currently disposed, not withstanding the multiple ways the material can be used.
Read More2021.12.3 This review article provides the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of slag, as well as a characterization of copper slag, with the aim of reusing and recycling the slag to benefit the environment and
Read More2023.3.4 Copper slag, a waste solid produced in the copper smelting process, is a high-quality secondary resource with huge output. The recycling and utilization of copper slag is of
Read More2022.3.6 To address these challenges, recycling and repurposing of copper slag waste using innovative technologies should be considered, creating a resource for a circular
Read More2021.10.1 This paper presents a review of copper slag as a potential resource for cobalt and copper metals for a circular economy. An overview of the chemical and mineralogical
Read More2023.3.20 Waste recycling and reuse is an important component of sustainability. Extensive research is being conducted to address this issue by incorporating industrial by
Read More2021.12.3 This review article provides the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of slag, as. well as a characterization of copper slag, with the aim of reusing and recycling the slag to benefit the ...
Read More2023.4.21 Annually more than 400 Mt of metallurgical slags are produced worldwide [1,2,3,4,5].From the annual Cu concentrate smelter production capacity, which is equal to around 21 Mt of copper metal in 2021, it can be estimated that more than 45 Mt of CUS were produced from primary sources assuming a slag to copper ratio of 2.2 [3, 4].Only 15% of the CUS
Read More2014.5.3 Physical properties. Copper slag grains have a color of black glassy type and a fineness modulus of 3.5. The hardness is about 7 Moh’s scale. Other typical physical properties are given in Table 2.In order to use copper
Read More2018.11.26 The copper smelting process produces plenty of copper slag every year, which is a hazardous solid waste, but a secondary resource. In the present study, the extraction of copper, nickel, and cobalt from copper slag was investigated through the process of sulfation roasting–water leaching and the process of sulfation roasting–sulfate decomposition
Read More2022.4.1 The mining industry faces a number of challenges that include rapid depletion of high-grade deposits, high energy cost for metal production, and growing environmental concerns associated with mining waste disposal. Copper slag is one of the mining wastes that is raising growing concern due to the huge volumes being produced and dumped annually ...
Read MoreEbonygrit is a disposable high-density blasting slag made from a by-product of copper production. Ebonygrit distinguishes from light-weight blasting slag, due to its high density property. Typically, the majority of its composition is iron oxide and silicon dioxide, formed when molten slag is quenched in cold water. This cooling process ...
Read More2004.10.1 This study has shown that the waste copper slag from blasting operation can be safely solidified/stabilized in a cement-based S/S system. The leachability of copper, nickel, lead, and zinc ions presence in copper slag were lower than the regulatory limits. The mortar incorporating waste copper slag up to 10% replacement is, therefore, safe with ...
Read More2020.1.1 Finally, the scientific treatment method of copper slag in future is prospected that green, economic, and environmentally friendly sustainable disposal process is the main theme. View Show abstract
Read More2024.2.5 Disposal and Reuse. Some wastes from copper mines can be reused. Mixtures of crushed waste rock have been used to construct embankments, fills, or pavement bases for highways. Some studies have shown that copper tailings can be used in bricks if pyrites are first removed. ... Copper slag can be used either as sandblast grit or an admixture in ...
Read More2020.10.10 Copper slag was the tailing produced after crushing, flotation, and sieving treatments for the copper recovery from copper-enriched slag from converter. As the chemical composition summarized in Table 2 , the copper slag contains abundant iron oxides with a weight percentage of 56.25%, and total percentages of alkali metal oxides e.g. MgO, K 2 ...
Read More2021.12.3 Copper slag is generated when copper and nickel ores are recovered from their parent ores using a pyrometallurgical process, and these ores usually contain other elements which include iron, cobalt, silica, and
Read More2023.3.20 Waste recycling and reuse is an important component of sustainability. Extensive research is being conducted to address this issue by incorporating industrial by-product such as steel slag, copper slag, fly ash, ferro-chrome slag, and so on into the construction industry. Steel slag, which is mostly calcium carbonate, is created as a by-product of the steel
Read More2021.10.1 It unlocks opportunities for production of metals for energy storage using cleaner and more efficient production technologies as well as developing effective recycling strategies to solve both the metal supply and waste disposal problems. Copper slag contains significant amounts of valuable metals with average of 1.83 wt% Zn, 1.67 wt% Ag, 1.36 ...
Read More2017.1.1 Since practically mined ores contain only 0.65 % Cu [2] and the purity is declining over the years [1,2], 752 MT of copper slag was produced worldwide during the period 1999-2019 with 38 MT ...
Read More2023.1.10 Currently, copper slag is mostly thrown directly into slag disposal pits without treatments, allowing the leaching of heavy metals, thereby leading to severe environmental issues (Guo et al., 2018a; Shibayama et al., 2010). Correspondingly, copper slag is classified as hazardous waste (Yu et al., 2021).
Read More2014.10.17 The mixes containing steel and Fig. 10 System boundary description for cement, fine aggregate, copper slag and steel slag for the present study [46,[64][65][66] [67] 69] copper slag are economical ...
Read More2021.12.9 Copper slag is a solid pollutant with high recyclability. Reduction and separation are regarded as effective disposal methods. However, during the melting process, the separation and migration ...
Read More2022.4.1 This work proposes an environmentally safe and economically feasible method of waste copper-nickel production slag utilization (Kola Mining-Metallurgical Company, Nornickel, Kola Peninsula, Russia).
Read More2024.6.28 Copper slag is a by-product of the copper extraction process. It is often used for sandblasting, but it can also be used in construction as a replacement for river sand when making concrete. Using Copper Slag in Construction. Copper slag has a higher specific gravity than river sand, which means it can be used to produce concrete with a higher ...
Read More2020.8.15 Section snippets Materials. The copper slag and the wastewater used in the experiment were collected from one copper smelting plant in southwestern China, in which 255–365 t/d of copper slag and 700–800 m 3 /d of smelting wastewater was emitted, and the traditional lime/ferric salt method was applied to dispose of the high-arsenic smelting wastewater.
Read More2021.4.1 Copper slag is a metallurgical waste that is disposed by way of stockpiling at designated dump sites within a mining site. The observed depletion of high-grade iron ores in Botswana and the environmental hazards associated with disposal of untreated metallurgical waste, presents an opportunity for research on secondary sources of iron and copper.
Read More2004.10.1 The flexural strengths of concrete with and without copper slag were similar for water to cement ratio of 0.4-0.5.Zain et al., reported an optimum strength performance of the copper slag mortars ...
Read More2021.10.1 It unlocks opportunities for production of metals for energy storage using cleaner and more efficient production technologies as well as developing effective recycling strategies to solve both the metal supply and waste disposal problems. Copper slag contains significant amounts of valuable metals with average of 1.83 wt% Zn, 1.67 wt% Ag, 1.36 ...
Read More2024.4.29 The treatment of large amounts of copper slag is an unavoidable issue resulting from the high demand for copper during the global transition to a sustainable development path. Metal-rich copper slag might serve as a potential source of metals through secondary recovery. In this study, two copper slags (CS1 and CS2) with different metallurgical properties were
Read More2023.1.10 Copper slag is the main by-product of the pyrometallurgical process of copper, and more than 50 million tonnes of copper slag was generated in 2020 (Prem et al., 2018; Tian et al., 2021). ... (Gorai et al., 2003; Shi et al., 2008). Currently, copper slag is mostly thrown directly into slag disposal pits without treatments, allowing the leaching ...
Read More2023.6.8 [30] controlled the size of copper slag and otation reagents to improve copper recovery by 16% when the particle size of copper slag was 45 μm. Fan [31] found that the copper concentrate ratio was increased to 14.47%, and the copper recovery rate was 85% while otation was performed on the copper slag by controlling at conditions like pH 10, the
Read More2021.12.3 smelter slag (copper slag), which comprises metals related to copper, e.g., nickel, zinc, iron, and cobalt [14–17]. Over the years, many mining and mineral processing operations have accepted the responsibility of protecting the environment by following safe disposal regulations of the waste produced.
Read More2017.7.1 Abstract. The present work focuses on assessing the viability of applying blasted copper slag, produced during abrasive blasting, as fine aggregate for Portland cement concrete manufacturing, resulting in an alternative and safe disposal method. Leaching assays showed no toxicity for this material. Concrete mixtures were produced, with high ...
Read More2024.3.13 It was discovered that the copper slag disposal locations, the lead-zinc mill tailing dam, and the nearby soils all had significant contamination with heavy metals. The effectiveness of modified granulated copper slag (MGCS) serves as a selective substitute for ordinary Portland cement (OPC) for the application of cemented paste backfill (CPB ...
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